The Barley Balance – Fibre Part One: The importance of fibre for overall health
There is always the question—how much of it and what type of fibre is necessary for overall health?
There is always the question—how much of it and what type of fibre is necessary for overall health?
As it was discussed in Fiber Part One, barley is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fibre. It has a large amount of the viscous, soluble fibre, beta-glucans.
Dieticians recommend eating 80 per cent of meals and snacks as whole foods (meals prepared from scratch) and the other 20 per cent from processed, convenience and restaurant foods.
In Canada, the month of March is Nutrition Month.
There are various barley products on the market—the most popular being pot and pearl barley.
Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day.
Pass the whole foods including barley and herbs and pass on the processed foods and snacks.
Barley flour is very versatile.
Earlier this year when the PREDIMED study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Mediterranean diet was back in the news.