In in conjunction with the Canadian Barley Symposium and the North American Barley Researchers Workshop, GoBarley will be hosting a Food Barley Session for members of Canada’s food industry.
This half-day session will be held June 27, 1:30–5 p.m. and is free to attend. To register, email
– Kevin Swallow, Food Processing Development Centre, Leduc AB.
“Barley in Various Food Applications.”
– Lingyun Chen, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
“Barley protein value-added processing and applications.”
– Tricia McMillan and Marta Izydorczyk, Grain Research Laboratory, CGC, Winnipeg, MB.
“Effects of environment, genetics, and agronomic practices on the content and properties of bioactive constituents: dietary fibre and Vitamin E, in food barley.”
– Nancy Ames, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, MB.
“Looking beyond the health claim – Where are we at with barley food and health research?”
– Sijo Joseph, AAFC/RCFFN, Winnipeg, MB.
“How does barley impact health? – Advancing the science behind the metabolic effects of barley.”
– Heather Blewett, AAFC/CCARM, Winnipeg, MB.
“Potential new health claims for barley – reduction in post-prandial glycaemic response.”
– Lindsey Boyd, Food Development Centre, Portage la Prairie, MB.
“Wholegrain barley and food safety – Effect of heat processing on microbial load and beta-glucan.”
Barley Ingredients and Barley Food Products
– Marvin Nakonechny, Progressive Foods, AB
– Chef Sean Audet and Mavis McRae, Patterson Global Food Institute, Red River Community College.
“Barley incorporation into food service for heart health claims.”