Wednesday started off with a visit to the Maritimes and CTV. While there, I met with host Heidi Petracek this was especially fun for me as I had worked with most of the CTV Morning Live team several years ago.
Heidi and I went over a barley 101 to begin the segment— she was especially interested in our barley health claim. From there, we talked about the differences between pot and pearled barley, and I demonstrated a few more recipes found on our website
To check out my entire segment be sure to check out the CTV Maritimes website
I was quickly back to work after my TV appearance. This time, I was doing another telephone interview. I spoke with Shelley McLean from 580 CFRA Talk radio in Ottawa. Shelley and I discussed the fact that barley is one of the few foods to receive a coveted Health Canada health claim and how barley brings a wonderful nutty flavour.
Shelley wanted to know more about barley so we discussed how easy it is to find barley products at your local grocery store, and even better, how barley is popping up on menus in top-tier restaurants across Canada.
We ended our conversation by discussing barley in all its formats: flour, flakes, pearl and pot all found in over 60 recipes on our website.
Tomorrow I’m headed back to Ontario—this time Ottawa.

Heidi Petracek and myself.